Davis-Moore Auto Group

Cash 4 Cars

Sell your vehicle to Davis-Moore!

Davis-Moore Cash 4 Cars Program

At Davis-Moore, we strive to make every process as simple as possible for you. Our new Cash 4 Cars Program makes selling or trading us your vehicle a breeze. It's a simple two-step process:


Fill out the appraisal form below. It's powered by Kelley Blue Book, so you can trust that it's an accurate, unbiased source for valuing your vehicle. There's no obligation to sell, trade or buy anything by submitting this form.


Bring your vehicle by any Davis-Moore location. We will do a quick on-site inspection to validate the appraisal, then give you a cash offer for your vehicle. The offer is the same whether you plan to trade in your vehicle or sell it to us outright; that means NO PURCHASE IS NECESSARY to get top dollar value for your vehicle.

Ready to get started? Here's the appraisal form: