Davis-Moore Auto Group

Dec 13, 2019
Cars at a Wichita, KS red light in the snow

Between shopping trips, holiday parties, and family gatherings, you probably spend a lot of time on the road in winter. While winter driving can be especially hazardous, there are steps you can take to stay safe. Here are some tips for making winter driving a little safer and a little less stressful.

Be Prepared

With the arrival of cooler temperatures, you should take steps to prepare your vehicle for the winter months. Make sure your headlights and taillights are operating correctly. Check your windshield wipers for any wear and tear, and replace them if necessary. Also, make sure that the windshield wiper fluid reservoir is full. 

Your vehicle should have plenty of engine coolant and antifreeze. Your owner’s manual will tell you how much antifreeze to add. Your car’s belt, hoses, and brakes should be checked, as well as the exhaust system. Excessive wear and tear of these components can cause many problems. You should also consider switching to winter-grade oil when it’s time for an oil change. 

Snow Tires

While your vehicle’s tires might be in good working order, you might want to consider investing in a good set of snow tires. While some drivers choose to use chains in the winter, safety experts do not recommend this, as chains are unsafe for driving on highways or other high-speed roads. If you’re concerned about the expense, used snow tires are an affordable option. Just make sure that all four tires are the right size and that they match. Your owner’s manual will note the correct snow tire size.  

Emergency Kit

Just as you should prepare your vehicle for winter driving, you should be ready in case of an emergency. Shovels, brooms, ice scrapers, and jumper cables are all essential tools to have on hand. Keeping a bag of kitty litter in your trunk will come in handy if you need extra traction. It’s good to keep a flashlight, flares, and first aid kit in your vehicle all year long, but these items are especially necessary for winter. Blankets and non-perishable snacks will keep you comfortable in case you have to wait for emergency assistance. 

Drive Safely

While you should always take precautions when driving, you should be extra careful in winter. As you head to work, school, or a family gathering, make sure to leave the house early. An early departure will give you plenty of time to reach your destination, especially if you have to drive slower or deal with any delays. You’ll also have plenty of time to make sure that your windows, mirrors, and lights are clear of any frost or snow. 

Before you start your car, make sure to buckle up and that all passengers have their seat belts buckled. Make sure to keep a safe distance between yourself and other drivers. You should always brake, accelerate, and turn more slowly on icy roads. 

These are just some of the ways you can drive more safely in the winter. By following these tips, you’ll have a more enjoyable season.

Image via Pixabay by kentdufault